Poetry in Power uses inkFrog to easily manage their eBay and Amazon inventory through a central location by using inkFrog to connect Amazon to eBay for them:

"I've been selling since 1999.

inkFrog helps in at least two important ways: 1. managing drafts of listings; 2. preventing oversells.

Drafting listings for collectible books and antiques requires that the seller provide accurate and complete data for discerning collectors. inkFrog allows me to correct information or add details that collectors want.

Also, inkFrog has great photo management so that my books look great and collectors have the best perspective on my inventory as they make their decisions.

The inkFrog system helps me manage both eBay and Amazon marketplaces with one fully editable system. Keying on my store's SKU, inkFrog keeps me from re-listing an item that I've already sold. That's absolutely critical when selling one of a kind items.

Here’s the thing….people want to answer a simple question these days: "If I put in the time to learn, will it be worth it to me in the end?"

That was the question with the inkFrog Open launch, and I can say with confidence that yes, it was worth it."

- Andrew R Foster

Poetry in Power has over 22,000 active eBay listings:

You can visit Poetry in Power here:

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